Here are some details/rules that will be helpful to everyone participating:
Children participating in the parade must be accompanied by their parents. We cannot allow dropped off students to walk in the parade.
If you have GCS sweatshirts, please wear them.
We will stage at Indian Crest Middle School between 10 and 10:30. If you'd like to help get the final decorations on the truck, please arrive at the earlier end of that time.
There is no parking allowed at Grace Bible Church. Please park at the middle school, the lower tennis courts, the Souderton park lot, or on the nearby streets.
Participants must either walk or ride the entire parade. No one is allowed to get on or off the truck during the parade route.
Candy may not be thrown to the crowd. Anyone handing out candy must give it out by hand. Any groups throwing candy will be banned from future parades.